Monday, December 1, 2008

A little Catch-up

I had a really nice Thanksgiving week, as M. Fotis was in town we did quite a bit of walking about, relaxing, stress-free.  Thanksgiving was spent working at the museum.  I came home and had a quiet night of watching AI and making cake which was just fine.  I knew I was going to be bummed out about not doing the holiday thing, but I was pretty sad about missing the Thanksgiving mess at my grandparents house.  Even if they're spent with other families, it's kind of nice to feel that frazzled holiday thing once or twice a year.  For some, maybe it's just something to complain about that we can complain with other people that go through it to, thus bringing us closer to other people through complaining about our families.  For others, they genuinely enjoy the loud voices of grandparents shouting at children and the arguments over political candidates or the quirky nature of those that are blood related.  For me, I've discovered, it's that I only really see those people once or twice a year anymore so missing this Thanksgiving and Christmas is like missing an entire year with them.  The next time I see them, my baby cousins will be in elementary school and my elementary school cousins will be dating.  That may be a little dramatic, but time flies in the areas of your life that you aren't focusing on.  I genuinely love them and I'm not saying it's merely an obligation, quite the opposite, I do like all the noise (not all the time, mind you, but a couple times a year it's very entertaining).  I mean I'll go back for Easter and that will be ok but I still haven't seen most of them since last Christmas.  Families change and people grow in different directions, but sometimes I wish they didn't.  Up until this point I wondered why or how it happened that individual families end up having their own Christmases or Thanksgivings together, without all the extended family.  That's just another tally on the board of life questions that got answered this year.   This past weekend working at the museum was somewhat hellish.  People people everywhere and no sleep to be had.  People were just dicks this weekend too.  One woman came in two days in a row just to complain to ME.  I mean, I'm flattered that she spoke to me specifically but COME ON!  Today, Monday, was a nice break from all that.  No screaming babies on tours.  No angry guests to comment to me about the screaming babies on the tour.  No teenagers to break the stuff in the smarthome.  It was a great low-key day.  Can't wait for Wednesday, my day off when I get to do laundry!  It snowed today in Chicago and the waves on the lake were crazy huge!!!  I can't wait to take my snowboard out.  
Hope you had a great first day of December!!!
Thank you for reading!

L. M. Burton

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