Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sweet Lady Minneapolis

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen I am in Minneapolis but just for a few days and it WAS kind of a last minute decision to be here so please don't feel bad that I didn't go contacting everyone willy nilly about seeing everybody because sometimes you just need a low-key trip back home to relax a little bit.  A mini-vacay if you will.  I am however trying to put a week long thing together or something to get to MN and see my fam and friends.  And so.  I hung out at the BNW last night, the Christmas Show is hilarious, so you'd better see it before it's over.  I've lost my voice, so I'm hoping that comes back soon so that I can do my job at the museum when I get back.  I'm slowly but surely getting all my debts paid off....YAY!!!!  Come Friday (payday) I will have most of them gone.  Scientists are wigging out right now because half the universe is a different temperature than the other half which may count against the big bang theory.  I don't know.  We can't see the whole universe, so maybe overall it's pretty even?  I dunno.  I hope you have a great Tuesday!!!  Thanks for reading!

L. B.


Improvised For Life said...

"In addition, those differences in the primordial fluctuations may produce a larger clustering of galaxies on one side of the universe than the other"

Larger galaxies... oh my god, Giant Land is real!

lisa said...
