Thursday, December 4, 2008


The people I surround myself with are well rounded.  I forget sometimes that there are people who are not that way, or aren't wired in every different direction like I am.  What I mean to say is that I was at a museum employee program tonight on how to think more creatively and the majority of employees there that struggled with creative thought.  Honestly, it surprised me.  One woman got depressed because one of the definitions of creativity was to come up with something original from your imagination and not by imitation and she realized that as a girl all of her childhood play was imitating TV!  This brings me to my second point that these people got really stressed out that they weren't creative thinkers and took it very seriously.  My next thing I want to say about the museum is that it's FRICKEN AWESOME.  I get to see a live heart surgery.  "WHAT?!", you say, "You didn't just say LIVE HEART SURGERY."   Yes.  I did.  June 3rd I get to see a live heart surgery because they do them at the museum every now and again and June 3rd they're doing one just for employee observation.  Apparently, you can even ask the doctor questions while they're performing it.  I don't know how comfortable I would be if I was the patient, and I'm not sure just how comfortable I'm going to be asking the doctor questions as they are cutting someone open, but I'll sure go and we'll see what happens.  

Hope you're all having a great Thursday!

Thank you for reading.


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