Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday Shmendsday

What a pleasant last couple of days I've had!  Much hello-ing and hugging has occurred!  I have run into just about everyone I could have hoped to see.  I've also been inspired to start writing kids science sketches/plays.  Why didn't I think of that sooner?!  I was at the science museum and noticed some familiar names associated with the theatre stuff and thought to myself, 'hey, Lisa, you should write silly sciencey things, you know stuff about that.'  Oh, NaNoWriMo.  I've not said anything about it in my last couple of blogs because, honestly, I haven't had the time to write much for that since I've started my job.  I know.  "But Lisa, you were so excited and hopeful" and I still am, folks.  I just need to get my time travel watch to work and then I'll pace myself and write the darn book.  Or I'll just extend mine to be NaNoWriMoOrTwo.  Hope you have a great day!

Thank you for reading!


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