Monday, November 3, 2008


Day THREE of NaNoWriMo!  It's ok, I bet you forgot about it.  I'm a few hundred words behind already but I'll try and catch catch up later this evening.  Last night, got a phone call at 6pm from Vicky-S asking me to come into work at 7pm until 3 in the morning!  Yikes!  I went in until 11pm and spent four hours arranging display cabinets, although when I was six I would have called it "dress up" with the manequins.  It made me feel like an elf or something.  Like a bras and panties elf who sneaks into the store at night and changes everything to feel like Christmas and then when you wake up....voila!  It's beautiful!  I was surprised at how excited I was to hear Christmas music (and yes, retail is playing christmas music Halloween weekend.  ugh).  No no, I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet but the farther away from my college years I get, the more excited I get about the Christmas holiday, even when it's drawn out for two months.  Maybe that just gives me a bigger window for my family not to be angry with me for not coming home for the holidays this year because there're more opportunities for me to get home on a non-holiday week but for it still to be considered "the holidays".  This past weekend was the opening of "Are You There God?  It's me, Satan."  The sketch show I am a part of with Robot Vs. Dinosaur.  It went really really well, I thought, got a lot more laughs than I expected and of course I didn't realize until we had an audience that the one local reference in the show was given to the out-of-towner (moi) and I plowed through it and drowned out my next line in laughter.  Ish.  But now I know the local reference and I can move on.  Last night, I got home after arranging bra and panty sets at the retail store-that-shall-not-be-named and I sat down on my bed and I had this feeling of excitement and elation.  Where I have been so so so so so worried up until this point, I know it's all starting to work itself out.  This doesn't mean I'm not going to worry in the future.  It's the feelings of worry that make the feelings of relief feel like heroin, but for the first time maybe ever, I trusted that my friends and family would be there for me, and they were.  They pulled through for me even from a state away.  I'm so lucky to have those people to send me care packages (I got two of them this weekend, full of food, just in time for me to have run completely out of my grocieries so thank you Bret and Emy and Grandma!) or to be able to just vent to when I'm freaking out (which has been more often than not, lately, sorry, but thanks Mike!  You've been great!) or to give me money advice and reassure me that I always have a place at home (I'm speaking of course right now of my parental units).  Things have been a little up in the air lately and I'm not quite out of the red yet, but I finally start my job today!  Woo hoo!  Museum of Science and Industry!!!  I've got some year-long plans figured out class-wise and I'm making some friends from my IO class, hooray!  Oof, this got diary on me quickly.  Apologies.  I'll be done.  I hope you have a great Monday and it's ok to start NaNoWriMo day three, you still have time!  Thanks for reading this very long update of my feelings, holy shit.  Gooey-central! ~~~Lisa

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