What a day! Ladies and gentlemen, I don't need to tell you all again what happened today that we all experienced, so I will tell you what I experienced. I was walking down to Starbucks (yes, sue me, all the small coffeeshops in my area close after 7:30pm in the wintertime) and an older African American man started walking with me and at first asked me to purchase an Obama Pin. "no, thank you" I politely replied, and was then nervous that this man kept following and talking to me until he said, "oh, hell, everybody's done with this shit for the day, I may as well get some cookies for my kids and go home...you mind if I walk with you for a little bit?" We had a nice conversation about Obama, Change, Change not happening overnight, what I was doing in Chicago, if I was from New York (I was wearing my New York City hat and the man seemed disappointed to find out I was not, in fact, from NYC); but I was then surprised to find out that this man was a substitute teacher. He was talking to me about his day and how one kid got up in his face today and how he lived through the Vietnam war and the Civil Rights Movement and what right did this high school kid have to get in his face and get mad about nothing in particular on possibly the most historic day this kid is ever going to see in his lifetime. It was only about a ten minute conversation before I reached Starbucks, but it was a great Inauguration Day gift, and I'll pretend it was from Obama. Thanks, Pres B-O. I'll take it!
Hope you all had as great a Tuesday as I did, and I'll hopefully see you again tomorrow!
Lisa Patriotic Burton
But you didn't get back to science (as promised) so I'll pick up a little slack for ya.
Featured in an article on ScienceNews.org, there is a picture with a title and caption reading "UNEXPECTEDLY RED - Since the 1950s, some portions of Antarctica [have gone fucking commie pinko haywire]."
It was really surprising.
Apparently West Antarctica, to which I had no idea there were divisions or distinctions made on the landmass closest resembling the ice planet Hoth, is really up in arms about the Capitalist agenda and how raunchy free market ideals are.
Also mentioned was that Russia wants to station nukes there, we're going to fight a proxy war with Vietnam over this, and Russia has commandeered the 1st and 2nd divisions of the Royal Penguin Army.
Hide under your desk.
Good thing my sea lions are standing watch.
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