This last year I lived in three different cities, created and met many of my goals, have started to take my creative education to the next level with writing and taking more and more classes, been really poor and really rich at points, purchased my first laptop and my first awesome cell phone, promptly lost that cell phone three months after I had it, started a blog, started reading blogs, saw the conclusion of one relationship and the beginning of another, met countless new friends, been depressed for maybe the first time in my life (oy, money!), saw history, had some of the happiest and proudest moments of my life, and overall, I think 2008 was productive, but a rough one for me. I'm really looking forward to do more in 2009 and try and figure out what the honkin' heck I really want to do. Do I want to keep pursuing the funny knowing there are millions of funnier people out there? Do I want to go back to school and get an education degree and be a teacher? Would I rather spend my life traveling or settle down and then travel to my little heart's delight? One day at a time, people. For now, I'm pretty happy doing what I'm doing but I'm looking forward to being in one place. I know what I want and how to get there, this process is killing me, though. I'm pretty impatient. I'm dealing with the risks I've taken thus far and I'm excited about more risks. 2009 will be another good year for me. A life-changing year perhaps? Isn't every year? Don't we come out different? Or are we the same person we started out as? I like to think I'm a little different than I was last year. For 2009: I'd love to get a camera. I'd love it. Ok, it's time for me to watch some tv until I have to get on the megabus and go back to Chicago.
Hope you all had a pleasant New Year!!! Happy 2009!
Lisa M. Burton
Where do you want to travel to>
I want to travel everywhere. Sigapore? Hong Kong? I want to see somewhere I've never really desired to go before, but be assured I will consult you before I go, Gary.
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