It was what turned out to be sort of a lonely hump day for the ol' El Bee. Work was fine, stayed a little later to tour the 2B folks (those that work upstairs in the offices of the museum) then came home and slept most of my night away. For about three hours in fact. I don't know if I just needed the sleep or what but upon waking I can't help but feel like I've just wasted a night. I have to work tomorrow morning so there's no use in going out at this point though I have gotten three calls and/or texts tonight from folks that are out on the town (or in another town, as it were) that are having fun and I can't help but feel left out or something. To trudge after that float on the pity parade, I've been making excuses for myself NOT to go to the gym, even though I get three free gym times at YMCA this month, and then I can pick up my scholarship app to go on a discount hopefully. Basically, I just feel fat or something. On the plus side, not today but every other day before that recently, I've been feeling uber-motivated to do stuff like write and look up fringe festival info and get things rolling for a few months from now and all that. ALSO we should note a few sciencey things (yes, I promised for the last couple days and I'm finally delivering)
1. Antarctica is warming. We've known this for a while but I couldn't help but wonder today what is going to happen to the fortress of solitude.
2. Scientists are finding more and more genetic similarities between twins on a DNA level. Duh. Come on, scientists, they come from one egg.... Duh.
3. Three seperate families of fish were classified as the EXACT SAME FISH today. Whalefish. So it's Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species....and marine biologists got three different Families for the same fish because the male, female, and larvae look so flippin different...can you believe that shit?! This is deep-sea fish territory we're talking about, the kind of crap that I go ape for....I could have been the bitch to figure this out and then the Whalefish could have been renamed from Cetomimidae to Burtonimidae. I want to discover a fish. A fish no one has ever heard of. Oy. Not to mention the two other steps to classification (genus and species) that were below Family that these fish had previously been classified with as well. At least somebody noticed it right away. I bet there are hundreds of bullshits like this, bugs and worms and lizards that are the same animal at different stages of life that scientists just named different to be all, "there are thousands of this type of animal" when there are really maybe only three with thousands of life cycles or something.
Ok, I hope you had a fabulous Wednesday!!!! Adios, amigo.
Thank you for reading.
Also, I think I want to try riding a mechanical bull sometime. It sounds like fun and looked like a lot of fun in the movie Urban Cowboy.
1 comment:
FISH ARE SO COOL. Especially sunfish... did you know they have 4 genders? AWESOME.
You should read Evolution's Rainbow: http://bit.ly/12aLg
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