It's this time of year or so that I don't want to do anything. I don't want to go out at night. I don't want to pay my bills. I don't want to do the work to tie my shoes to go outside. I don't want it to be cold out. I can't go running to get my spirits up because it's too cold. I feel happy, but it's a dulled grey happy feeling. My favorite way to describe this time of year is from a Clive Barker graphic novel called the Thief of Always where the main character, a boy, describes his feeling this time of year with, "I felt as though the great grey beast of Febrary would swallow me whole". That's the way I feel in Febrary. That's why I like Valentine's day. It either makes people angry or lovey. Even if you're decidedly against V-day, at least you've got some spice in the middle of an otherwise downer of a month. Thankfully, it's short! February often marks for me the beginning of some huge diet scheme or my get healthy quick plan for the year. I think this year I'm saving that for March. Until I typed that I didn't realize just what kind of hold this winter had on me but whew! I should take a mini vacation to the tropics or something....or just do that thing where I lie around in my swimsuit with pictures of palm trees and turn up the heat in the house and pretend I'm in Costa Rica. Hope you all have a splendid Groundhog's day!!!!
Thank you for taking the time to read ma blog!
1 comment:
Here's an intersting thought for yah. I was talking about weather affecting mood to my good friend Ben a while back. He decidely knows that he has some flavor of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is a clinical way of saying he feels shitty when the weather is shitty. Maybe or maybe not the actual disorder - my point being that I think a lot of people have a milder version of it. I find it interesting, because I'm almost unaffected by the weather in terms of mood - so I can't relate.
The neat thing, I think, is that it's been said that a solution to this is to get a bright broad-spectrum light and look directly at it for a chunk of time every day or couple of days. (If you can't find a broad-spectrum light, just plop yourself into the Lights Section at Menards.) It's like fooling your brain into thinking it's nice out. Neato!
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