Friday, February 13, 2009

DANG! I let this week get away from me again.

This week has been busy again!  Apologies.  Tomorrow I'll be writing a blog updating specific improv stuff.  Back to that.  For now, have a great Friday night and a pleasant Valentine's day!  Also, your heart is just a little larger than the size of your fist.  And 6.5grams of dark chocolate a day is good for your heart.  

Hope you have a pleasant Friday eve!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Running and mush-brain

Running is an activity that I had, previous to this past fall, reserved in my mind for athletes, men, and mothers who used to be athletes or men.  Usually, these people who I associated with running in my imagination were very spindly and can just run for miles, using godlike energy to keep their legs moving.  They have all the money in the world to buy as much sporting equipment as they can drape or strap onto their impecable bodies so that they almost look like darting fish underwater, only they aren't underwater at all.  I have, over the years, tried my hardest to be a "runner".  I've drug my sluggish body out of bed at all hours of the day to try and force it to activity.  I gave up on running for a long time.  I find it boring unless I have music, but I have found that once I have music, running might be my favorite free activity to do alone (well, almost).  I need to conserve all the money I possibly can at this point, so I've been running again, not to mention the weather has been ridiculously warm and spring-like (we have been mislead by that groundhog) and so, I am very sore!  I've been stretching and drinking water, but I think my body is just getting used to it all again.  Also, there was another article in Science News about birthing and mothers, having to do with Postpartum Depression.  I find these articles to be interesting, but I'm wondering what the fascination with children is all of a sudden on Science News.  Is it because it's spring and people have babies in the spring, because technically it's not even spring yet.  Ok, my mind is a little mushy after having written for two days straight........I hope you have a pleasant Tuesday and thanks for reading!        

~Lisa "Cornwallis" Burton

Monday, February 9, 2009

Parenthesis are used to distract from my lame excuses

Oh, blog, I know.  It's been too long again.  I guiltily slump back to you as though I were a dog who has just strayed too far into the woods and gotten into a porcupine.  My nose is swelled in humiliation and I have learned my lesson.  For now.  I won't stray from my blog until at week or something.  And now for excuses!!!  I've been busy.  That's about all I've got.  I'm in Tarantino (*shameless plug alert) which is an improvised Tarantino form happening every Saturday throughout February at 10pm.  Bring your loved ones this Saturday for V-Day!  Yippeesters!  Also, started rehearsal for the sketch show I'm in which will go up in Indiana in March and at Gorilla Tango in May.  I improvised with Mustang Repair this last weekend at the Playground, super duper fun, I think I may just do it again!  I've been working nearly every day, I'm still in class at IO, starting to think about level 3 and all that brings...still interning at IO, subbing for other interns at IO, and now here I am at Monday with Sunday having been spent with Marge D watching Batman and eating pizza!  Not too shabby.  I've recently discovered megabus has codes to get you (me) home cheaper.  The code from Jan-March is GREENBUS, however it doesn't work on any of the trips you (I) try.  (I'm not sure why I used those parenthesis, I know they aren't necessary and now I've just used parenthesis completely inappropriately to do an aside to an already lame diar----I mean blog entry....(get over yourself, Burton) ok.)  So things have been busy.  Planning on blogging all week, though.  Couple things of note since last we spoke, big snake was found.  Biggest ever.  Hope you already knew that.  Also, women who are on the pill can often spot baby cuteness easier.  A woman who responds to her child's cuteness is more likely to form a stronger bond with their child.  This was a serious science news story and I'm not sure if it was because they were in want of science news or because they also could not believe someone submitted such a subjective study to a science publication.  Even a web publication.  I'm talking of course about my favorite Science weblication:   check it out!!  Have a great Monday!!!!

Thanks for your eyeballs!

_B. Bad. Burton_

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Great Grey Beast Of February

It's this time of year or so that I don't want to do anything.  I don't want to go out at night.  I don't want to pay my bills.  I don't want to do the work to tie my shoes to go outside.  I don't want it to be cold out.  I can't go running to get my spirits up because it's too cold.  I feel happy, but it's a dulled grey happy feeling.  My favorite way to describe this time of year is from a Clive Barker graphic novel called the Thief of Always where the main character, a boy, describes his feeling this time of year with, "I felt as though the great grey beast of Febrary would swallow me whole".  That's the way I feel in Febrary.  That's why I like Valentine's day.  It either makes people angry or lovey.  Even if you're decidedly against V-day, at least you've got some spice in the middle of an otherwise downer of a month.  Thankfully, it's short!  February often marks for me the beginning of some huge diet scheme or my get healthy quick plan for the year.  I think this year I'm saving that for March.  Until I typed that I didn't realize just what kind of hold this winter had on me but whew!  I should take a mini vacation to the tropics or something....or just do that thing where I lie around in my swimsuit with pictures of palm trees and turn up the heat in the house and pretend I'm in Costa Rica.   Hope you all have a splendid Groundhog's day!!!!                 
Thank you for taking the time to read ma blog!       