Today, was sort of a day of bad form. My day started with my alarm deciding not to go off, or me turning over at 7am and turning it off only to roll back over and go to sleep, or one of my roommates sneaking into my room at 7am and turning it off because I've obviously not heard it.......regardless....I woke up about an hour and a half late, jumped out of bed at 8pm (when I normally have to leave the house by 7:30 to get to work on time) and rushed my ass out the door to get to work by 9:15am. Pretty good, if I do say so myself. I strode into work just as they were announcing my name as Employee of the Month. Perfect timing. Employee of the Month Lisa Burton striding in at a cool 15 minutes late. Primo. I then had a mediocre day at work, the most awkward encounter with a guest EVER (what kind of 40 year old man stands next to you with his hands behind his back just smiling in your direction and mumbling under his breath what I can only take to be conversation directed at me, but I wouldn't know because i was keeping a safe distance from said creepo). Then I had writing time with my friendo MC Princeton, funtimes, then went to the IO for some improv, didn't realize it might be close to sold out and took one of two remaining last seats in the theatre, Bad form, Burton. Bad form. Minor bad day, but a weird feeling day nonetheless. Anyways. Bees still can't count past three, so I guess I've got a one up on bees. Or maybe like 997 up on bees. That's on a patient day when I want to count that high. Hope you had a great humpday!!! Thanks for reading, homies!
Lisa B. Urton.