I'm living in a little slice of bliss right now. Sipping on Dunkin' Donuts coffee, morning sun pouring through the three corner windows into my welcoming living room in Chicago, the street below abuzz with commuters and I'm warm inside in my pjs listening to the Current, and I'm writing. Today's going well so far. I just need to keep my mind off money and money off my mind and I'll be ok. I want to take a sentence and thank those of you who have been endlessly supportive and positive when I've been very negative.....thank you so much, you have helped me shorten the time that I am stuck in an attitude that I don't want to be in. I'm getting geared up for NaNoWriMo, I'm getting a little nervous about it, ten pages or so a day, but it'll be fun and I can do it I think. It'll at least jumpstart me into writing all the time like I want to. Blogwriting has helped me get used to putting words somewhere daily, which is great, but now I'm going to be putting together a comprehensive story. I don't know how good I am at telling a story on paper. I know I'm not very good at it when I'm talking to people. I often am just inspired by something they've said to tell a story that usually has no point and then we share an awkward silence at the end of my story, until they struggle to pick something out of what I've said that will continue conversation. I'm, of course, left to bang my head against the imaginary wall in front of me and say "goddammit, goddammit, goddammit". You'd think as an improviser I'd be good at being consise with my language and when talking to people, but it seems to be just the opposite. I have this problem of, well, it's not even diarrhea of the mouth as much as vomit of the mind. I just end up spewing forth all the swelled thoughts that connect themselves to whatever we're talking about. I like to think it's part of my charm but I'm sure it just gets annoying a lot of the time and frankly it's something I'm working on. I have class and rehearsal tonight, getting some new sketches from the writers this evening for the show that goes up at the end of November. I am rather impatiently waiting for my headshots to get back to me. I'm so excited, I can't help it! I hope you're having a great Wednesday already, I know I plan on it! Thank you for reading what I've written!~~~~Lisa
Just vomiting: I wouldn't say I rely on self-help books... but I like reading them. Starting in 11th grade I began reading ones about getting in touch with your creative whatnot, but the one I read, just this summer, that got me writing a play (just before someone asked me for one out of the blue) was The War of Art. Clearly I was just ready to write, but reading this while I was writing was like having a big 'ole cheerleader on shoulder.
"I often am just inspired by something they've said to tell a story that usually has no point and then we share an awkward silence at the end of my story, until they struggle to pick something out of what I've said that will continue conversation."
That happens to me ALL the dang time! I know exactly what you mean! How can I be funny on stage and so lame in real life sometimes?
If it makes you feel any better, I am never annoyed by your "word vomit." I think most of our conversations are just us "word vomiting" all over the place. Is this getting gross?
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