I'm still nervous about jobs and crap today. I haven't heard back from the museum and Victoria's Secret doesn't really care. I don't think. I also lost my funding on my metro card so I'm not sure how I'm getting around yet. I don't have a bike helmet, but my bike may have to do until I can afford either a helmet or the metro card for another month. Still no money on the money front. Looks like another day of running ahead of me. Then watching a new episode of pushing daisies. Then maybe another three hour nap? Then go see a show toinght. Check THIS out to see a recently discovered dinosaur species. It looks like something right out of a science fiction book. Bizarro, right? How can that shit have four bird claws? Weird. I think the most frustrating part about not having a job is that I'm trying. It's not for lack of trying. I've been going from business to business trying to find a job, and no one's hiring or they're hiring friends of friends (who you know) so it's not like I'm just sitting on my ass all day not wanting a job. I want one. Oh, god I want one, it would make me feel better just knowing that I'm actually DOING something about my pile of overdue bills even if I couldn't pay them for the next MONTH at least I know that I'm DOING something about it. Gah! Frustrating! I'm only six weeks in and I feel a little like I'm drowning. Ok. That's enough. I also keep going back and forth from extreme anxiety to deep breaths and calm down and you can't do anything about it so shut the fuck up mode. As far as acting goes, I'm fine. I'm doing a show, possible show right after that, classes are great (if I can get them to let me work off the classes) and I get to see a bunch of free theatre with my student passes. If the fun things in my life could pay the bills, I'd be living in one of those high rise condos with a view of the lake. Thanks for reading my blog, you guys ~~~Lisa
Dear Lisa,
I will hire you to write this blog, but I can only pay you in worthless comments like this one. Keep it up, mon frere. It means something when it takes this long, you know - waiting for the real place you should work. I predict it's in a hospital, caring for the weak and ailing - offering them hope and fart jokes.
Thanks Haley!
You better believe that when that hospital calls, I'll have just the fart joke they need.
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