Wow. Twin Cities Improv Festival. Wow.
So many talented performers. More importantly, so many great people.
I was completely inspired by the fun, fantastic events of this weekend. I could try to recap them, but I feel it would stain the memory or somehow formalize it into something less magical than what I have in my mind. That's very dramatic, I realize, but seriously, it was a blast. I guess all I can say if you don't know what I'm talking about is you shoulda been there, and the good news for you is there's one next year.
So, I have been thinking a lot lately about how the format of my blog is going to be laid out, you almost have to have a point to your blog for it to be interesting anymore. Some point of focus and though improv seems like it should be pointed enough, I want to put a freaking dilated lens on this bitch so I'm thinkin every friday will be essay day. Throughout the week, I'm going to write a two or three page essay on some topic. Probably most often it will be improv related, but sometimes it will not be, maybe sometimes it will be about other things I love, like corals, which will all be gone by 2050 (so you'd better get off your ass and get down to the great barrier reef to see those, srsly). Though this may seem boring, it will not be. It will be interesting. And if nothing else, we all get to learn a little something along the way.
Alright, so Dave is in Milwaukee/Chicago area. He said he's going to do some apartment hunting for us this weekend. I hope to god he finds something. Anything. It'd be nice to have something nailed down soon so that I can get rid of that feeling of scared. I've been keeping myself busy enough that I don't stress out about chicago yet, but I'm sure mid-august when everything slows down a little I'll be a little nutso about it.
So this weeks essay topic is going to be:
Compare and Contrast The Harold, Cat's Cradle, and The Long Form Montage
By Friday I'll have a solid essay for you.
Thanks for reading!
15 years ago
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